Our Leadership

During his tenure in the oil and gas industry, John has been driven by a core set of values that have positioned him for success. These values continue to guide him today.


provide superior service and put customers first


be productive, resourceful and be a team player

Best in Class

know your business better than anyone, especially the competition


communicate effectively and often, inside and outside the company

John H. Holcomb

Founder and CEO

John H. Holcomb is the founder and principal at Holcomb Energy, LLC. Holcomb Energy is an energy advisory firm specializing in natural gas. John currently serves as an independent Board Member for Caliche Gas Storage Company, an underground natural gas storage firm with operating assets in the Gulf Coast and California. Caliche is directly connected to the ExxonMobil/Quatar Golden Pass LNG export terminal near Beaumont Texas which is expected to begin commercial operation in Q42025. Caliche is owned by Sixth Street Partners, a multibillion-dollar infrastructure fund.

Mr. Holcomb is the former CEO of NorTex Midstream Partners, LLC, a pure-play, underground natural gas storage and energy midstream company serving greater Dallas/Fort Worth. Under John’s leadership, NorTex became an industry leader in providing solutions for its core customer base, the gas-fired power generation operators, as the hourly intermittency and price volatility of electric power generation significantly increased due to the buildout of renewables in Texas. NorTex was acquired by Williams (WMB) on August 31, 2022 for $423 million. John was its CEO for 7 years.

Mr. Holcomb has 18 years of direct experience in the natural gas storage business with a deep understanding of all business aspects including commercial, business development, engineering, operations, land, regulatory, environmental, and finance. During this time, Mr. Holcomb worked for four private equity companies who owned NorTex over that 18-year period. John served on the Board of Directors at NorTex for three of the four companies.

In total, Mr. Holcomb has over 40 years of oil and gas industry experience including time working as an offshore roustabout in the Gulf of Mexico during summers in college. While the majority of Mr. Holcomb’s career focused on U.S. domestic energy, John spent 10 years in Mexico developing natural gas pipelines, natural gas distribution systems and securing fuel supplies for gas-fired power generation.

Mr. Holcomb began his career at Tenneco Oil Company in 1985. At the time, Tenneco was one of Houston’s largest employers. John started as a Drilling Engineer in Tenneco’s Eastern Gulf of Mexico Division and worked in various other divisions at Tenneco during his 12-year tenure, including Strategic Planning, Major Projects, Texas Intrastate Pipelines and International.

After Tenneco sold the company to El Paso Energy in December 1996, Mr. Holcomb co-founded a consulting company and later joined Pace Global Energy Services, a leading natural gas and power generation consulting company based in Fairfax, Virginia. Mr. Holcomb was the head of Pace Global’s Houston office whose customers included Electricidad de France, Enbridge, Arco Oil & Gas, Westcoast Energy, Enron, Tractebel, Gas de Euzkadi, Itochu, Basin Electric Cooperative, Wyoming Pipeline Association, among others.

Mr. Holcomb has a B.S. degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Oklahoma and an MBA in Finance from the University of Houston. John was Pi Epsilon Tau at OU and top 10% of the graduating MBA class at UH. John and his wife, Heidi, have four children.

“I’ve known John and have conducted business with him for the better part of the last 15 years.  John treats everyone as valued business partners with an honest straight forward approach that establishes trust and allows for business partnerships to grow and develop to span the test of time.  His experience and knowledge in the natural gas storage sector is unmatched in the industry, with a proven track record of performance and integrity.”

Lou Perrotta

Vice President Gas Trading, Constellation Energy