The truth about clean, affordable and dependable energy.

We Are Your Experts in The Energy Industry

Holcomb Energy Advisors is a firm that seeks to educate, advocate and facilitate the truth about natural gas as a clean, affordable and dependable energy source.


We believe that through the production of fossil fuels, millions of American are able to power their homes and businesses from a low-cost, reliable energy source like natural gas.

We also know through our decades of experience in the energy industry, that natural gas and natural gas storage are critical to economic growth and prosperity, not only for the United States but for the world.


To ensure Americans continue to benefit from our energy freedoms, our mission is to facilitate conversations and education opportunities with policymakers, regulators, and infrastructure developers about the importance of natural gas as a core, permanent and environmentally clean fuel source for years to come.

“We backed John in the acquisition of NorTex, the largest independent gas storage facility in North Texas, and we thoroughly enjoyed our partnership. John is a high integrity executive with tremendous leadership acumen. His leadership was on display during Winter Storm Uri, as he and his team kept the grid operational during the crisis by delivering over 5 billion cubic feet of gas to the power generation sector during the crisis, when few other sources were available. Similarly, the NorTex team consistently delivered value-add and mission-critical improvement initiatives to the system during his time as CEO. John’s knowledge and experience in the natural gas and gas storage sectors is unparalleled and he clearly understands the increasingly important role that U.S. natural gas will continue to play in enabling reliable, cost-effective power to a growing global economy.”

Edward Herring

Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Tailwater Capital